Author Carol Parker

New Release from Kat Biggie Press!

Set in coastal Maine, THE FISH DRESS tells the story of what happens when Nora Jenkins finds a second-hand dress. Made of black linen and imprinted with fish skeletons and tribal symbols, it’s a perfect fit. Never before has she felt so good about herself nor had such a magical effect on others, until…

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Carol's Blog

How deep do I dig into my own experience, in my own voice, when crafting a story? If I go too deep, …

An experienced sailor knows what to do when a sudden strong wind hits straight on, threatening to take her off her desired …

Celebrating Black History Month: HOW FAR HAVE WE COME? The other day I was searching through boxes in my attic for a …

When we moved to Maine in 1989 and my bi-racial son entered 3rd grade, I did not foresee that there would be …